For students with special needs that might prevent them from participating, please contact us at for accommodations.
Middle and High School Students will read
CIRCE by Madeline Miller
MYTHOLOGY by Edith Hamilton
We are Virtual Learning Compatible!
Encourage reading, analysis, and critical thinking through the interest and expression of the individual student.
Middle and High School Students will READ either the full book, or selections from CIRCE by
Madeline Miller or MYTHOLOGY by Edith Hamilton.. Students will RE-IMAGINE the images, themes, or characters and then CREATE a project in a medium important to them.
All artistic mediums qualify: painting, sculpting, musical composition, sewing, dance choreography, poetry, short story, graphic novel, comic strips, digital art, fashion design, culinary creation… the list goes on! From painted skateboards to full-length operas, Read! Imagine! Create! encourages students to find something they relate to in a text and express it in a way that is meaningful to them.
Submissions are displayed in area libraries in the spring, and all are considered for CASH PRIZES. Awards and recognition are presented at a public ceremony.
FREE BOOKS available upon request! (Based on availability)
Projects due February 23rd
Project Categories
Visual Art
Literary Art
Performance Art
Media Art
Examples of Qualifying Projects
Click images to view larger
Classroom Workshops
Write Your Own Myth Workshop
In-Class Time: 45 minutes +
Visual Art Workshop
A Teaching Artist will lead a class session on the elements of Myth and how these elements are demonstrated in the book. Students will have opportunity to brainstorm their own visual art projects and practice various sketching techniques.
In-Class Time: 45 minutes +
Award Ceremony
An Award Ceremony and Performance is held in April. Students receiving special recognition are presented with certificates and prizes. Professional actors read winning Literary submissions, and a slideshow of winning Visual, Digital, and Graphic art is displayed. We’ve even screened student submitted video projects, and presented original songs, choreography, and fashion!
Watch a short video about
Read! Imagine! Create!
Artwork Displays
Submitted artwork is prominently displayed in libraries all over San Diego County for Students, Teachers, Parents, and the Public to enjoy and be inspired by.
Would you like to bring Read! Imagine! Create!
into your classroom?
All BOOKS and WORKSHOPS are offered FREE of CHARGE!
Links and Resources
Study Guides & Lesson Plans
Download the Study Guide for Circe here.
Download the Study Guide for Mythology here.
NEA Circe Discussion Questions, Interview with the Author, and additional resources here.
Read! Imagine! Create! 2024 Poster can be downloaded here!
Write out Loud and Read! Imagine! Create! were featured by the NEA! Read more here!